GAO Yihang

GAO Yihang GAO Yihang

GAO Yihang 高伊杭

Ph.D. candidate in Mathematics, Supervisor: Prof. Michael K. NG

Department of Mathematics, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong

Email: gaoyh at

Address: Run Run Shaw Building, Department of Mathematics, The University of Hong Kong, Pokfulam, Hong Kong

Hi, I'm Yihang, a Libra boy. I'm very fortunated to be supervised by Prof. Michael Ng. I received B.S. in Mathematics from Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, P.R. China. My research interests include Scientific Machine Learning, Optimization, Data Science and Tensor Computation.

Prof. E Weinan:

The Dawning of a New Era in Applied Mathematics --- Machine Learning

The Website was last updated in June 2023.